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Edition-Fri Feb. 5th, 2021

Members  on the Move

Steve Plata PGA will not be returning as the Head Professional to Saratoga National Golf Club.

Tom Siddon, PGA will not be returning as Head Professional to Malone Golf Club.

Marc Levesque, PGA has been named the new Head Professional at Wyantenuck Country Club. 

Jim Ross, PGA will not be returning to Leatherstocking Golf Course where he worked at the end of the 2020 season as an Assistant Professional and is transferring to the Central New York PGA Section. Best of luck Jim! 

The following NENY PGA Section representatives have been asked to serve on the PGA of America's National Committees: 

  • Noel Gebauer, PGA Head Professional/General Manager at Town of Colonie GC will serve on the PGA of America, Adult Player Development Committee (which is newly established under PGA President, Jim Richerson). 
  • Tracie Warner, Executive Director will serve on the PGA of America, PGA Works Committee which is a core area under the PGA's Reach Foundation. 

Please be sure to reach out to section staff to update your employment status if it does change this off season as well as correct contact information including  email addresses, cell phone, mailing address. 

Get Started With PGA.Coach

Learn the principles that create life-long golfers and athletes for generations. Now is the time to start your journey with PGA.Coach training, and gain access to all of the tools you need to create passionate students and life-long golfers! 

As a reminder, those members who complete PGA.Coach and then also complete your PGA Profile will be utilized by the PGA of America in a concerted effort to promote instructors/teachers to consumer facing marketing promotions. 

You will receive direct email connections of a "Lead" when interested individuals select your profile and are interested in pursuing lessons. The email will look similar to the below image and contain all of the individuals contact info for you to reach out to.

MSR Credits Posted for Last Season's PGAJL Captains

For all PGA Members who captained and ran a PGA Jr. League last season, please take note that the PGA of America posted the applicable MSR Credits.

These credits were all posted in the previous weeks and you should take a moment to check that you were credited appropriated. 

The date utilized was June 18th, 2020 and the credits are under the Required Category of Player Development (PD) with:
6 MSR Credits = 1 team
12 MSR Credits = 2 or more teams

Please review at your PGA.org account or feel free to contact our section staff to assist in confirmation. 

Abuse Training for captains and coaches is required to be compliant with the Safe Sport Authorization Act in 2017. 

NENY Seeking Seasonal Workers  

The NENY PGA Section is seeking individuals to work on a per-diem basis. Dependent upon the position, non-PGA affiliation is not relevant so if you KNOW someone please share the opportunities!

Opportunities for Member Professional tournaments, Junior Tour tournaments & Player Development Programming. 

These could include:
* Starters/Scoring
* Monitoring Play
* Set Up/Break Down
* Teaching Instructors (Kids Play Golf, PGAJrLeague, PGAHOPE, etc.)

Please contact Tracie Warner at twarner@pgahq.com or 518-438-8645 for more information/discussion.

Professional Member Tournament Schedule 2021 

Section Staff and the NENY PGA Tournament Committee have been working in concert to get the 2021 professional schedule in place. The schedule will mirror much of 2020's plans to look and be conducted similar to last year's COVID atmosphere focusing on administering safe offerings for our members and associates.

We are still waiting to fill in just a few host site holes on the schedule and hope to have it buttoned up in the coming week or two and have these posted on our Blue Golf tournament webpage for your convenience. Please view the most current 2021 schedule below. 

View 2021 NENY Member Professional Schedule

PGA PGM Seminar Schedule 

Stay on top of your planning for your PGA PGM Seminar Schedule and planning. 
View PGA PGM Seminar Schedule

Latest Additions to Job Board

Stay up to date on the latest job board additions this week:
Management Position: Head Professional at Onteora Club

Non-Management Position: Assistant Professional at Winding Brook GC
View Complete Job Board Postings
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