EMPIRE Golf & Travel Expo Saturday, March 7 - Sunday, March 8 Albany Capital Center
NENY PGA Section - Instructor Volunteers NEEDED for Hitting Net
This is an excellent time to come out and give a few hours back to your Association!
We will be promoting the game, our professionals and the Section with our hitting net at the Empire Golf Expo and are seeking PGA Professionals to donate just a few hours of your time on either Saturday or Sunday.
Shifts are tentatively as follows but we're happy to edit to make it work if you need flexibility and earn 3 MSR Credits!
Please feel free to call, email or text Doug Evans so we can mark you down!
Saturday, March 7th 10am-1pm 12:30pm-3:30pm 3pm-6pm
Sunday, March 8th 10am-1pm 1pm-4pm