NENY PGA Membership Marketing - Communication Tool Changing SOON!
We want to inform everyone that the E-Marketing Tool the NENY PGA Section currently utilizes (for example our E-News notices like this and all our other email notices) will be changing. Currently we use an E-Marketing Tool called Act-On which will no longer be supported by the PGA of America and a transition to MailChimp is being made.
The new platform of MailChimp should be seemless for E-services for our database of varying distribution groups we manage from our section members, committees/board, partners, junior members, etc.. There should be no need to "opt in" for anyone in our database and our E-marketing emails should not end up in your spam/junk folder either for our audience members.
This change-over will be beginning in the next few weeks as the the older Act-On platform will be eliminated as of October 31st.
Should you have any questions, or feel like you see a reduction in email communications in the coming weeks, please don't hesitate to contact Tracie Warner at